Advertising & Promotion 300: M.U.S.C.L.E. and Nestle Quik Update

Advertising & Promotion 300 (M.U.S.C.L.E. and Nestle Quik) has not seen a significant update since April 2013. Peter Hernández has provided the next great update.

Very little is known about the mysterious “Nestle M.U.S.C.L.E. Packs.” And what is known is based on one picture and nostalgic memories. Peter Hernández presents a number of new images of the tubes, plus some interesting news about where he got them.

He grew up in Anasco, Puerto Rico and got both tubes in his elementary school in that same town. This is interesting because other anecdotal memories are scattered throughout the continental United States. Finding these tubes were also shared outside of the continental United States suggests a much more structured approach to the promotion. Sadly, the question still remains, “What was their plan?”

In the meantime, here is an onslaught on new pictures provided by Peter Hernández.

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