Future Strength Figure Update

Sadface - Translucent Green

There have been several starts and stops to this website. One of the outcomes of those starts and stops is the pile-up of emails. Recently a concerted effort was put forth to sort through all of the old emails – going back as far as 2010.

One of the emails from June of 2012 simply contained an attachment. The Future Strength section was not created until March of 2013 and because of that nothing really happened with the picture. Now with the Future Strength section operational the picture has a home.

Perhaps more important – it is a new discovery! The figure is clearly the Sadface sculpt. Shockingly the translucent Green is a previously undocumented Future Strength color.


The most frustrating part is that only the front of the figure can be seen. Not being able to see the back of the figure raises the questions, “Does the figure have the raised TAIWAIN?”

If you are the owner of this figure, could you please share a picture of the back of the figure too?

If anyone else hasany Future Strength figures or packages to add to the archive, then please email a high-resolution picture to the University of M.U.S.C.L.E.. Please try to take the picture on a white background. Thank you!

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