Monday Morning M.U.S.C.L.E. Musings #53

M.U.S.C.L.E. Figure #1
by Professor Terry

As an adult collector of M.U.S.C.L.E. I’ve always found the story of how figure #1 actually came to be figure #1 an interesting one. And it is one of only two figures to be given a name in western countries.

Rewind back to when M.U.S.C.L.E. was released and the fact that apart from Muscleman and Terri-Bull, no figures had names. Muscleman and Terri-Bull were on all the packaging with their story. The story of how they were the “true champ” and “mop up the floor with the other” and etc., etc.

Terri-Bull was M.U.S.C.L.E. #2 but the figure that actually matched Muscleman was actually #141 and not figure #1. As a childe I was further confused when I received the Wrestling Ring for Christmas and saw my figure #141 (I didn’t know the difference) and a figure that wasn’t #2 but a new sculpt.

I went through my entire childhood believing Muscleman and Terri-Bull were figures #141 and #2. They are two of my favorite figures to this day. Of course I didn’t have the poster, it wasn’t available to Australian residents.

Back to the present day, I find out that M.U.S.C.L.E. figure #1 is an entirely different figure. I can understand that now, knowing what I know about the Japanese heritage, it makes perfect sense.

Well…it doesn’t. In none of the Japanese lines does a Kinnikuman figure wear that style cape and strapping in the front. As you can see by the photo of the two Japanese figures (with my average custom #1) anytime Kinnikuman wears a cape, it’s in that style. So to this day the story of #1 confuses me.

What is cool about M.U.S.C.L.E #1 is that of the five figures that are available in eight different colors, this in my opinion is the best one.


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