Stir Up Saturday – Yin and Yang

I never messed with MMMM content. I might break up a paragraph to help formatting with pictures, but that is about it. MMMM #34 is one I wanted to edit – and still want to edit.

I didn’t like the Gene gif then and I don’t like it today. It has never felt like it fit to me. My brain says it should have been a Paul gif. I understand Professor Terry says he wishes there was a Gene M.U.S.C.L.E. figure, but is that the best Gene gif?

The answer is an easy, “No.” Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the write-up – actually, I quite like it. However, the Gene gif has always been a creative thorn in my side. So, in other words, completely meaningless but I had a stupidly opinionated reaction.

The Elementary M.U.S.C.L.E. Education post was only the second one ever. As of writing, there have only been seven in total. That surprises me.

I really like the idea behind the feature and I really liked this specific topic, “Did I find a one-of-a-kind Dark Blue/Purple figure?”

It might be the most common question after, “How much is this worth?”

I thought there would be a lot more of these entries, but it’s hard to think of simple M.U.S.C.L.E. stuff that is often misunderstood. If you guys and, mostly, gals have any ideas, then please share them.

Completely unrelated to what I was talking about, but a part of that post, is that final image. I hate it’s placement. I did it because I didn’t know how to assign a thumbnail image for when the post is shared on social media. It looks so terrible and out of place. Thankfully I’ve learned at least one thing in five years.

Finally, there is the Epilogue. Not one of my best.

However, I still believe that standing up M.U.S.C.L.E. figures for a picture is the last time you play with them.

It is subtle, but you are definitely playing. I find such joy and sadness in that idea. And that “yin and yang” has been a large part of my M.U.S.C.L.E. experience. There may have been a honeymoon period in the earliest days, but that certainly ended. Now the hobby feels filled with highs and lows, but I really try to think, “We’ll see.”

Or maybe it has always been like that, and I’m finally growing into the farmer?

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