AOTW Tiebreaker

“There is a first time for everything.”

I hope not. That’s such an awful idea when you start unpacking it. There are a lot of things that I don’t want to happen for a first time. One of those things was an AOTW tie. It happened in the most recent Epilogue.

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We need to break the tie. Below are the two combatants. Who is the bigger AOTW?


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The AOTW #2 is an empty can and three counterfeit figures. One figure is a counterfeit #228 figure and the other two are Future Strength figures. Those details do not justify the $59.99 BIN.

What more can be said about the AOTW #3? It is a lot of 59 figures with a $500 BIN. That is a $8.47 per figure lot.

Let’s have the AOTW’s fight it out!

(This is how I imagine it would look in real life.)

  1. #1 by plasticfiend on September 6, 2018 - 9:22 am

    I did my civic duty… I came here to VOTE!

  2. #2 by Chad Perry on September 6, 2018 - 10:34 am

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