The Great Escape 4-Pack
by Chad Perry
Professor Terry, the regular author of MMMM, continues his sabbatical which means I continue to be the driver of MMMM.


Nathan’s MUSCLE Blog
On November 11, 2007, someone I’ve long considered a friend, Nathan Newell, posted what I believed to be one of the best pieces of M.U.S.C.L.E. art ever produced. I just loved the idea of his fantasy 4-pack. When I saw it I felt genuine happiness. My mind wandered to, “What would have blown 1986 Chad’s mind?” I felt nostalgia. It was just a fun, joy-filled piece of art for me.
Around the same time LRG was holding art contests. One of the artists that was entering the contests had a style that really spoke to me. Whatever he created had an instant and intense visual appeal to me. On March 27, 2008 Ryan, known on LRG as Scumdogg, posted a #153 only 4-pack.
I instantly knew I wanted to commission a piece of art. This is part of the original message I sent to him:
I’d love to have a piece where MUSCLE’s are breaking out of the 4 or 28 pack, or something like that. I wouldn’t want it to look overly aggressive if they were breaking out – much more of a Great Escape or March of the Toys feel.
I’d also like something around the size of an 8X10, something suitable for framing without needing special matting because of a weird size. Although I’m very flexible regarding size.
Let me know what you think.
We went back and forth hammering out so details, but Ryan really made a key creative decision:
I’ll probably go with the 4 pack if that’s okay. It’s a lot less cluttered from a design standpoint and would most likely end up looking better on a smaller scale.
Ryan left it up to me to select the figures. I chose Satan Cross, #1, #180, and a Purple #153. I want my favorites and icons in the picture. He asked what the other colors should be and I left that up to him. I only asked that the color/figure combination actually exist (for example, I didn’t want it to be a Magenta #1).
I was, and continue to be, totally blown away. He created an even better version of what I had imagines in my own mind. I love the color choices. I love how they are climbing out. I’ve always laughed at the action too.
If these four figures really came to life I imagine this is how it would play out. The #153 would be the first to break through, blindly followed by #180, and Satan Cross trying to convince #1 to leave the packaging. But #1 has hesitation because, as the hero, he needs to do what is right. A good toy would stay packaged. But his expression shows that he’s really thinking about it.
This is one of my most prized M.U.S.C.L.E. possessions. I hope you enjoy it too.