“We’re back,” was probably the wrong deceleration in the Auction Watch. It would have been more accurate to declare, “I got something posted and have every intention, schedule allowing, to continue.”
The cardboard box sold for $10.50. It had two bidders. The number of bidders became more interesting than the price to me.
I believe most collectors would agree that the number of M.U.S.C.L.E. listings has increased on eBay. Mostly due to single figure listings, but still an increase in listings. Here’s my debatable hypothesis:
M.U.S.C.L.E. collecting is almost completely dead, except for transient single figure buyers.
Take a look at the 2019 Auction Watches. Those listings are the highlights of eBay. Do any of them truly standout at second glance?
Maybe I’m being overly pessimistic? Maybe.
But how many active M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors do you know of? Is that number higher or lower than the number of former M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors you know of? For me, it is much lower. Lots of guys have, rightfully, quit.
A story on LRG is a classic encapsulation of why M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors stop. An unknown, new board member shows up and sells a SHA for $600. Why that price? The buyer was trying to get in front of possible shenanigans. Then the seller makes it difficult on the buyer.My gut says the figure wouldn’t have sold for more than $450. It sold for $600 out of frustration. Why bother participating in M.U.S.C.L.E. collecting? Seriously.
I already know the answer; because you love M.U.S.C.L.E. figures.
But if you love it, then why be a dick to people? Why try poisoning your own tiny collecting pond? If one or two people can make it bad, then it should be even easier for three or four people to swing it back the other way.
One last side note. The comment from Mario Toy Rossi made me audibly laugh. I hate when people say that type of shit. It is so trite.
The most interesting listing, VINTAGE 1980s? GUMBALL PRIZE ROBOT? MUSCLE MEN? KINNIKUMAN? GREEN PLASTIC FIGURE, features a Class A figure with a $5 opening bid.I sold one, but don’t remember the final sale price (can’t find it either). I don’t think it was anything crazy. My guess is in the $20 range.
I am interested to watch this listing because it took me a long time to find a not-broken version of the figure. I was never in a rush, because I liked my broken one. I’m curious if there are still people looking for this figure.
An often mentioned seller, lint-speed also has several Class A figures listed. I feel that the prices are absurd. Hell, a SHA just sold for $650 (and should have been $450). While I have argued the Beta figures are more common than originally thought, there’s no sane reason Class A figures should be selling for more money – or similar money.