UofMUSCLE.com – M.U.S.C.L.E. Figures from Mattel
Posts Tagged Advertising & Promotion 300
Auction Watch #77
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, Art, Auction Watch, UofM News on September 7, 2011
New Nestle Quik Figure
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, Research, UofM News on February 9, 2011
Advertising & Promotion 300 focuses on the partnership that existed between Nestle Quik and Mattel’s M.U.S.C.L.E. brand. A new figure has been discovered.
New Nestle Quik Figures
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, Research, UofM News on January 26, 2011
Advertising & Promotion 300 focuses on the partnership that existed between Nestle Quik and Mattel’s M.U.S.C.L.E. brand. Jason Speth and Kyle Holbrook were kind enough to share their pictures of the two previously unseen examples of figures #48 and #227.
Foolish April Weekend?
Posted by Chad Perry in Auction Watch, UofM News on April 5, 2010
Normally during early April the internet is bombarded with April Fools’ pranks. Rarely do they prove to actually be fun. As the University of M.U.S.C.L.E. started to tease collectors that a Purple #153 auction was getting closer, it appeared that the auction could be something fun that actually happened near April 1st. Instead the first weekend in April had mixed results.
New Nestle Quik Figures
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, Auction Watch, UofM News on February 2, 2010
The University of M.U.S.C.L.E. recently featured two sealed M.U.S.C.L.E. figures from the Nestle Quik promotion in Auction Watch #28. The winner of those two auctions, Bill R. (vette88 from LRG.com), was kind enough to take a picture of each of the sealed figures. These figures have been added to Advertising & Promotion 300.
Auction Watch #28
Posted by Chad Perry in Auction Watch, UofM News on January 21, 2010
One of the most mysterious, and fun, aspects of M.U.S.C.L.E. collecting relates to the Nestle Quik promotion (which is examined in Advertising & Promotion 300). Figures still sealed within the promotional package, which was enclosed in the Nestle Quik tin, are not often discovered. This week two figures have been discovered.
Advertising & Promotion 300 – Updated
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, UofM News on November 11, 2009
Advertising & Promotion 300 – Corporate and education connections has been updated. The poster numbers have been added to all of the figure pictures and they have been arranged numerically.
Advertising & Promotion 300 Completed
Posted by Chad Perry in Advertising & Promotion, UofM News on July 8, 2009
Advertising & Promotion 300 – Corporate and education connections has been completed. This course focuses on the partnership between Mattel and Nestle Quik using M.U.S.C.L.E. as a promotional item.