The first figure comes from Brian. This warped #93 Terri-Bull figure has his left arm nearly touching his side. The arm should be more outstretched like the figure’s right arm. The figure even appears to have an overall slight lean to the left.
Interestingly the #93 figure is currently for sale on eBay, and at quite the steal – considering its original $500 starting price.
The second figure comes from John (also known as Ridureyu). It is a warped #70 figure. The figure has his left foot in front of his right foot. It almost appears as if the figure is dancing some type of Irish Jig.
A special request also goes out to all M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors. Several months ago a rather large lot of warped M.U.S.C.L.E. figures were sold on eBay – possibly by jmckinnon316. If you know the winner of that lot, then please encourage them to document those figures and hopefully share them. They would be a fantastic addition to the Warped Figure Archive.If you have a Manufacturing Error figure or a Warped figure with any type of warping, dents, or other abnormalities, please email a short explanation and pictures to the University of M.U.S.C.L.E..
#1 by SamokinGun on February 2, 2012 - 9:16 pm
Ahh. I remember the warp figures lot. I do know ALLSPORTSDVD sold those . I think Clawfreak won that lot. At a great price too. Its such a cool lot.
#2 by Chad Perry on February 3, 2012 - 1:22 pm
I’ll start bothering him. 🙂
#3 by allsportdvd on February 17, 2012 - 3:53 am
Sold them to Jay for a paltry $5.50! LOL I actually have a couple more sitting here