Warped Figure Update

It’s been quite some time, about 6 months, since new Manufacturing Error Figure have been added to the archives. This update hopefully serves as a positive addition and a helpful reminder!

Pictures of Warped and Manufacturing Error figures are always being accepted. Please send any pictures and a brief explanation to uofmuscle@gmail.com.

Leaning Back

Right Arm Pushed In

The 233
Counterfeit Collection

Speaking of reminders, there are a few other archives that could use some updates – but today the focus is The 233 Counterfeit Collection. It is 77% complete, which means only 54 more figures are needed to complete the project.

If you have a counterfeit version (not a custom) of any of the remaining 54 figures, then please snap a quick picture and email them to uofmuscle@gmail.com.

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