As I’ve said before, I have had a tumultuous relationship with collecting the final M.U.S.C.L.E. figures for a Master Set and completing the UofM Figure Guide. But the kindness of other M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors changed that relationship.

The Final Three Figures Needed
The Green #166 and Purple #107 made me excited to finish the collection. The Magenta #161 Miracle did what I considered impossible and transformed my collection into a family event and piece of our history. Red #68 and Salmon #85 made me want to be a better person. Red #134 proved that civility can still exist when selling a figure.
Acquiring the Green #183 figure may have made me winch a bit, but it’s done.
The most recent acquisition of the Red #131 was just a small part of the puzzle and story that became MMMM #141, AW #313, and AW #314. I originally planned to write an entire MMMM about the experience, but their were two options: (1) soul-barring; and (2) not enough. Instead I’ve got an idea that my boys can help me with. That feels like the proper ending to my Red #131 saga.
If you have any of these final three figures, then please email me. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help!
#1 by Alex on February 4, 2021 - 3:07 pm
Are you 100% positive some of the newly acquired sculpts are legit and not dyed? There are a lot of realistic looking fakes floating around these days.
#2 by Chad Perry on February 4, 2021 - 3:10 pm