2010 Auction Watch Review & Looking Ahead

It’s safe to say that the University of M.U.S.C.L.E.’s Auction Watch feature ended the fourth quarter of 2010 with a whimper. Historically, Auction Watch has been one of the most popular parts of the University of M.U.S.C.L.E. website. The goal for 2011 is to rectify that situation and return to the, minimally, weekly posting of auctions.

Additionally, the hope is that other M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors will submit write-ups of auctions. This will not only allow new voices and perspectives to be heard, but will also build in sustainability. It may also allow for two, potentially differing opinions to be given on final auction prices.

If you would like to submit a M.U.S.C.L.E. auction for Auction Watch, then simply email the completed write-up to the University of M.U.S.C.L.E. with the appropriate auction link(s). The most interesting auctions and write-ups will be posted with pictures and full author credit.

As for 2010, the same methodology that was used in the 2009 Auction Watch Review was used for this review. This resulted in 32 predictions that were examined. A simple grading system was devised, looking at the absolute value dollar difference between the prediction price and the final price.

  • Auctions predicted 100% correctly and/or had a $0 to $10 difference received an A.
    • There were 17 A’s
  • Auctions with a $11 to $20 difference received a B.
    • There were 5 B’s
  • Auctions with more than a $20 difference received a C.
    • There were 10 C’s


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