Auction Watch #6

Delusional and/or greedy sellers offering M.U.S.C.L.E. items tend to be far and few between. When they do appear collectors often snicker, laugh, and hope an unsuspecting and uniformed new collector does not get snagged in their net. One example is the $400 Hard Knockin’ Rockin’ Ring, collectors have been laughing since 2008, and it is continually relisted.

Overpriced $400 Hard Knockin Rockin Ring

Overpriced $400 Hard Knockin Rockin Ring

There are only a handful of sellers on eBay that continually list the same severally overpriced M.U.S.C.L.E. items and collectors will quickly identify these sellers. Thankfully many M.U.S.C.L.E. auctions start with a low opening price and allow the market to dictate the price. This is the case with an auction for “14 packs Mattel M.U.S.C.L.E. Figure Wrestlers NIP.”

While none of the Flesh 4-packs offer any especially unique figures, there are some fun sculpts in the various packs. Additionally all of the 4-packs appear to be in fairly decent condition, but far from perfect mint condition. The $9.99 opening price, and fair shipping fee, will encourage plenty of bidding.

It will be interesting to see the final price for this auction. Collectors would have likely had different opinions on the price. The one thing they would likely agree on is that it will be a fun lot for the winner to receive.

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Auction Screen Shot

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Follow-Up: The auction ended at $30.99, which breaks down to an incredible $2.21 per 4-pack.

Final Auction Screen

Final Auction Screen


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