With this epilogue being for the week of September 11th I feel an odd pressure to acknowledge it in some way. I could never match much of the coverage that has been done. And I certainly couldn’t offer any great insight or message – I doubt I could even achieve slightly mediocre.
– The last problem with White Castle is the seats.
– Loose M.U.S.C.L.E. connection, but pretty cool to see.
– Nice lot of proxy Alpha Non-Poster figures.
– 53 Color figure lot.
– Tough week to be a kid – first SpongeBob, then apple juice.
– Would M.U.S.C.L.E. figures look good on this? Maybe just Color figures?
– Satan Cross driving up the price on this beat up lot.
– 84 figures. Seems like one of the only big lots this week.
– This lot would be so much fun with a starting bid of $0.01.
– I need to research the usage of the word “rare.” Do they believe it? Or is it just a selling tactic?
– $75 10-pack, even though three recently sold for less than $60.
– Was this $10 last week too? This is such a M.U.S.C.L.E.-impact item.
– Poor guys. Lost four of their brothers. Why does it remind me of The Fighting Sullivans?
– Class A Dark Blue #228, but don’t just read the auction title.
– 103 Color figures and a low opening bid always make me smile.
– But did he have to use the word “rare” in his auctions?
– Last week I thought I would own Back to the Future shoes. This week taught me I wouldn’t.
– You may not be able to spot a psychopath, but you probably work with one. (Let that sink in.)
– Normally my dino news comes from DorkDimension.com.
– If Santa has to buy this, he will be so pissed. He passed when it was on clearance.
– These things eventually become something for you to trip over.
– I had my doubts, but Monopoly Jr. was pretty good for our 4 yr. old.
– I thought, “Hey, this might stop the boys from fighting about Star Wars ships. The little one could have these.” They’d just fight about these too.

Dr. Bombay
LRG Auction Link
The discovery of another Dr. Bombay! I’m sure there are some collectors that dislike that the figure seems to sport the trademark-like 4-pack blue specks, but I love them! I think they, in some very strange way, add a tremendous amount of character to a very cool figure.
The effortless selection of this picture also makes me laugh at myself. There are really so many other images from this week. They run the gamut from heartbreaking 9/11 moments to a naked Scarlett Johansson – but I picked a few ounces of injection-molded plastic. How wonderfully ludicrous.
Did everyone see the old people using their web cam this week? That video was everywhere. Not once did I hear anybody acknowledge how goddamn long it was. It was a regular opus – in terms of YouTube videos.
That’s why this week’s video is this. There’s a hundred different reasons I could pick it.
#1 by vette88 on September 16, 2011 - 12:11 pm
Funny White Castle story. The guy has no problems finding seats at other fast food joints, but wonders why he can’t fit into White Castle’s seats.