Still your eBay asshole of the week:
– noble_destro and his 10-pack can.
Let’s face it. He’s got it locked up until the week of November 6th. It’s almost unfair to other ridiculous M.U.S.C.L.E. auctions. Thankfully it doesn’t completely discourage people from trying to win this prestigious award. I thought this guy came in a pretty weak second place or maybe even this guy and his $5 Flesh figures? Either choice is still a pretty distant second place.
– The can alone is worth $30, right?
– MUSCLEMANIA 4-pack. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!
– I don’t even know how to describe this. Just make sure you keep reading Namu-Niku!
– Color 10-pack, with good opening bid price.
– 61 Flesh Figures.
– I’m afraid if I bought this, my oldest would only speak Wookie.
– Five number 15’s. (What a great name for a band.)
– Does gpk really help this auction?
– 50 Flesh Figures.
– 123 Flesh Figures.
– Good picture and great price for this little lot!
– Good day for stepped-on 4-pack collectors!
– I hate these kinds of books.
– That warped figure will never find a home.
– “Rares! Read!”
– I’ve never seen so many #134. Why do I feel the need to bid?
– That white bootleg is pretty cool.
– $0.01 opening bids are great. (Although the seller probably should have grouped these together.)
– 56 Mixed Figures: +1…..$25 Opening Bid: -1
– I challenge you to find a story you will care less about.
– How is that better Carson?
– Best use of the TMNT property in quite some time.
– I love Detroit, but this will save you a visit.
– UofM is in the news!
There are two pictures this week. I hope you can deal with it.
I feel like the onslaught of We Are The 99% parody is just about to peak. Thankfully I saw this before I was disgusted by every 99% joke, regardless of how funny it was. This picture is just so cute and the signs absolutely kill me.

Picture from: Pepa Quin
I don’t want to condone violence or give credit to TMZ. However, this picture did warm my heart a bit. Once I see Michael Bay receiving the same treatment I’ll feel like the universe has been brought into balance after watching Transformers.

Picture from: TMZ
And yes, I know I could have used the actual video – but it didn’t feel nearly as satisfying as this picture.
The video for this week has an action item. If you like it, then please go to and donate $1 (I’ve already done it – cave to the peer pressure!). And even if you didn’t like it, it won’t break your bank to give $1. I’ll admit that setting something like that up would be something I can see me and my boys doing. The only difference would be that my wife would come home and say, “I thought you guys were going to get one Hot Wheels car each?!?!”
#1 by vette88 on October 21, 2011 - 7:46 am
I saw that story about the billionaire’s house earlier in the week too. What a freaking waste.
#2 by James on November 6, 2011 - 2:25 am
Hey Chad, just wanted to let you know that my MUSCLE can has indeed sold… please do let me know if you are ever interested in learning how to operate a successful eBay storefront. To bring everything full circle, I, actually, bought that MUSCLE can with money I made from selling Garbage Pail Kids way back in 1986… as a seven year old. So, clearly, I deserved your slandering of my good name. Thanks, I enjoy having my business associated with with your high dubious tag and opinion in search engines. PS. I have the figures from that can on display, asshole.
#3 by Chad Perry on November 7, 2011 - 11:30 am
Thank you for the offer, but I’ll respectfully decline.
I’m not quite sure how mentioning you bought the 10-pack as a child brings anything full circle – as it was never mentioned before. If anything it’s more like a footnote attempting to establish or validate yourself in some way.
And my comments were not slander; they were libel – however, even that would be untrue. If the comments were libelous, then they should have caused some type of harm. Clearly they did not because your broken, empty 10-pack can sold (I can’t wait to see the feedback). If anything, you should probably thank me for any attention your auction received. But it’s not necessary – you’re welcome!