Just purchase your two (or more) packs of figures and enter the code: LUCKY13.
This sale is only for new orders and only last from door-busting 6AM (EST) to midnight (EST).
Don’t forget, there are lots of great OMFG Figure colors. You can see them all in the 10th Update from October Toys Kickstarter page.
Now that you’ve ordered your figures, let’s take a look at other M.U.S.C.L.E.-centric musings.
– Large and mixed lot.
– I love the “Rare Red Series.”
– Given that people love to over pay, I can’t believe this hasn’t been purchased. Honestly!
– Looking for the 418 re-issue? This is your auction!
– Collectors of damaged 4-packs always get price gouged.
– I don’t know keshi prices. Is this good?
– The Lord may “taste good,” but he doesn’t know shit about prices!
– Zero feedback makes me nervous, but it seems like a cool lot.
– Faded Purple #153?
– Awesome Toliet Paper Man Custom – ENDS TODAY! BID!!!
– Green #153 – ends today!
– Not crazy about the price, but it’s a nice lot of bootlegs.
– 29 Flesh Figures, almost $7 shipping, and a $35 price tag. Wow.
– Great lot. Low price. Free Shipping.
– To me, one of the funniest auction descriptions ever.
This year has seen a few toys stand out as favorites in our house. So if you’re looking for holiday gifts, then let me give you a few surefire suggestions:
Duplo Zoo – Both boys love Duplo and the huge Mega Blocks we have, but this is the one set that stands out. It has a great price point, lots of blocks, and cool animals. It’s the king of our block world.
Imaginext Batman Car – When we got this, I didn’t even know it was motorized and made sounds. Both boys love it. Best of all, it’s not too loud!
Remote Control Fire Truck – It was a gift at the one year old’s birthday, but both boys have played with it. Simple controls and can take a mountain of abuse. It’s ok to fair on carpet but great on wood and tile.
4 Lane Hot Wheels Race Track – I know there is a new one at TRU, but it seems huge and is like $80. This one is much cheaper and best of all it folds up so it’s very easy to store and keep out of the way.
That’s it. If you like these suggestions, then maybe I’ll add a few of these things (books, toys, games, etc.) each week until the holidays are over.
So the Pepper Spray Occupy Cop has taken on a life of its own. Regardless of your personal feelings and opinions around the original incident, some pretty funny (and occasionally thought provoking) pictures have come out of it. But this was just my favorite. Easily picture of the week:

Found on: Boing Boing
As for the video of the week, that was easy. You may have seen it before. If you haven’t, then crank up those speakers! Arnold’s commentary is simply mind blowing. His stupidity acts like some amazing auditory Rorschach test. Do you think he’s drunk? Do you think he’s a narcissist? Do you think he’s severally brain damaged? Is it all of those things?