360-Degree View of the Figure
I’ll try, but hopefully readers will also be able to help by posting constructive criticism in the Comments below. (Thank you in advance!)
When Challie was created I instantly downloaded Sculptris. Sadly I have not been able to devote the time necessary to master, or even become fully proficient, with the software. However I felt that I needed to physically see and touch a creation before I would reach a level of proficiency.
The figure to the right is my first tangible output. The goal had been to create a standing ghost, focusing on protruding eyes, open mouth, and arms. As a purely initial beta attempt there were definitely successes and failures.
First, the successes:
1. I like that the figures doesn’t roll away. I was able to create a flat bottom that doesn’t look too flat when viewing the figure.
2. I like the face. He looks cheerfully goofy.
3. I now understand the entire process soup to nuts, and understand how the 3D drawing will materialize when printed.
1. The tail. It looks globbed on, not like a seamless extension of the body. I think the greatest failure is at the top of the tail. If they top of the body more directly flowed into the top of the tail it might have looked like it was flying forward.
2. He’s also too perfectly round. It’s not too bad overall, but it’s vary noticable at the top of the figure. Flattening that section may have really helped the figure.
3. I like the design of the arms, but they are not protruding enough. I thought they looked a little bigger in the drawing. They did not print that way. The need more girth.
4. The mouth needs to be much deeper. Right now it looks incomplete.
5. It is too big. I thought he would be about half his current size. Standing next to the #38 M.U.S.C.L.E. figure you can get a decent sense of his size.
Given the level of skill and artistry that currently exists within the world of custom mini-figures and specifically custom M.U.S.C.L.E. figures this figure is a travesty. However, I would encourage any mini-figure collector to attempt to create their own figure. It’s a fun and interesting process. It also provides a new (or at least clearer) lens in which to view the work of other artists.
And best of all, if you have kids, they will think it’s totally awesome.
If you have any constructive criticism, then please post it in the Comments below. (Thank you, again, in advance!)
#1 by muscle things on September 19, 2012 - 10:07 am
Awesome stuff! looking forward to seeing more of your creations 😉