Who doesn’t want more M.U.S.C.L.E. stuff?
Probably everybody that didn’t ready the previous sentence. But if you’re reading this, then you’re going to be happy about this announcement. Every Sunday there will be guest writers writing about whatever M.U.S.C.L.E. topic their heart desires.
The Sunday Paper will provide an opportunity to anyone that has ever wanted to contribute without the responsibility of an ongoing feature. Only Professor Terry has been brave enough to attempt, and succeed, with an ongoing series knows as Monday Morning M.U.S.C.L.E. Musings.
The real question is not whether people want more M.U.S.C.L.E. stuff. The real question is, “Will anybody actually take advantage of this?”

Who Knows?
Over the eight-plus years the site has been running I have had a handful of people ask if they could “do something” on the site. And over that period of time, three people have submitted something to post. One of the submissions was pretty good. When I asked for the pictures separately, to make things easier for me, I never heard from them again. The second submission (from Brian), which will be the first Sunday Paper, was born out of this. That submission made me realize a few things that will help the Sunday Paper be successful.
And last, by not least, Professor Terry was one of those people. I owe a HUGE thank you to Terry. I believe he has made the site much better. And over the three years working together he’s been more collaborative and helpful than I could ever explain. He truly makes it easier to run the site.
My collaboration with Professor Terry, and the recent submission from Brian, helped to solidify some guidelines for submitting writings for the Sunday Paper. I’m not looking to make the site more difficult to operate. These are the guidelines to keep things easy.
- If you want to write something for the Sunday Paper, then please email UofMUSCLE@gmail.com with your article.
- Make sure you include large, not blurry, jpegs. Gifs are fine too.
- Please use your real name (or, at least, First Name-Last Name Initial – e.g., Chad P.) and a link to your name on Facebook, your website, Twitter, or whatever.
- Don’t using special formatting. Write in plain text. I will only copy-and-paste, which loses all the special Word formatting.
- Don’t make your article “time-sensitive.” It will post on the next upcoming Sunday at the soonest. There are not going to be any Special Editions of the Sunday Paper.
- I plan on having the Sunday Paper locked and completed each Friday, so weekly submissions must be received by the Thursday to post on Sunday.
- If you don’t want ugly links in your post, then all links must be written like this:
<a href="http://blog.uofmuscle.com/" target="_blank">UofM</a>
I look forward to UofM being a platform where people can share their M.U.S.C.L.E. ideas with an exclusively M.U.S.C.L.E. audience. These guidelines will make it easier for me – plus help ensure a bit of quality control. The site isn’t always perfect, but I always feel comfortable (and sometimes proud) with what is being posted.
Don’t feel like you need to write a novel. Something is better than nothing; feel free to be succinct and to the point.
I may also comment on the articles. I may provide a little introduction or a few reactions. If I have more than one submission, then I may need to add something to transition between the two pieces. We’ll just have to see how things play out.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, then please email me or post in the comments below.