Mapman Mystery

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With this website I have always prided myself on being open and honest. People may not like the truth, but there’s no room for misinterpretation.

That’s why it pains me to admit I legitimately don’t know the truth regarding this odd #102 figure.

This figure first popped-up in late 2015. The initial reaction was that the figure was some kind of error or clever custom.

A LRG user named Wibble made on of the most interesting comments:

I’ve seen something similar before with injection moulding, caused by either an interrupted injection stage (so an initial push followed by a pause and then a second push) or material being left inside a mould and the plastic or rubber being injected over it.

While I am unable to unequivocally answer the question, “What is this thing?”

I can share some facts:

  1. The “yamaka” moves a bit. (Check out the short video below.)
  2. It is connected to the head.
  3. The #102 is prone to errors. The fact that a large injection tag exists in the same spot is quite curious.

I thought by inspecting it I could definitively provide the truth. I can’t. I think the truth will only come from ripping that top piece off. Something I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do.

If I can’t share the truth, then I can share my opinion. I believe this is a custom. And my entire opinion rests on the space under the “yamaka” being hollowed out. I can’t explain why it would be so perfectly clean. There isn’t a bunch of extra space but it seems uniform. Accidents (or errors) are rarely so perfect.

If it was an error, because a headpiece-yamaka was still in the mold, then it should be cast together. It shouldn’t have all the extra wiggle room. Right?

It could still be an error. My opinion doesn’t have the strongest of data to support it.

Aside from ripping the figure apart, the next best option for discovering the truth could be attempting to re-create the figure.

How difficult would it be? Can the same results be moderately achieved? If not, then the error argument becomes much stronger.

What do you guys think?

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  1. #1 by Lucas on May 31, 2017 - 6:50 am

    Change your video settings from “private” to “unlisted” if you want people to be able to view with the link, but don’t want the video to show on your channel page.

  2. #2 by Lucas on May 31, 2017 - 7:07 am

    If I had to guess, I would say that the irregularity in his head was caused by the ferrule of a pencil with the eraser removed. Rotating the figure as the metal is pressed into the material would probably result in the same effect, lifting and separating the excess rubber while leaving a circular incision with an inward angle.

    I would also hypothesize that his was likely done while someone was bored in a classroom.

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