Is that ever true? Really.
M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors are like hound dogs. They always sniff out the good stuff, and this is some pretty good stuff. At first glance I see three Class A figures that jump off the screen:
- Purple #1
- Red #110
- Purple #154
It feels like we’ve seen a Purple #1 more recently, but the last example I could find on the website is from 2015. Plus he’s popular and cool looking. The last Purple #154 I can prove was for sale came in 2011. I’m not trying to stoke the flames of this price tag, but that seems correct. Purple #154 is burned into my brain as being one of the harder figures I tracked down.
The last Red #110 I can document sold in 2014. It sold for $2.47. In this lot I imagine it will sell for a little bit more.
– 128 figures starting at $0.99.
– I wish this lot started at $0.99.
– Not an asshole; more of a comedian.
– I get excited for paper – not plastic.
– Are you fucking kidding me?
– I do believe Ray Charles painted these.
– Not the worst MUSCLEMANIA lot.
– I like this color. (I bet this is sold by the time this posts.)
– I would make this an AOTW, but this guy would have all his listings win.
– Seriously, this guy is disqualified from all future events.
– SC is going to push the price on this lot.
– He’s dreaming.
I don’t mean to brag. Everybody, look at me! I found some of the biggest assholes – maybe ever! This group of combatants feels like a Battle of the Champions. I am inappropriately excited about this match up.
The AOTW #1 comes with a short story. Have you ever had someone wave at you and thought, “How the hell do I know this person?” And then it turns out they thought you were someone else. Or vice verse. That happened to me. I saw the $115 BIN for and open, fair condition 28-pack and thought, “Is this that Quik guy?” It wasn’t rickztoyz, but there was something that tricked my brain for a second. Maybe it was just the terrible price.
The AOTW #2 made me bubble with rage. I hate C.U.T.I.E. figures. Hate them. This asshole has a $50 BIN for one figure. Of course, he declared it “RARE.” I did a quick Google search, and one of the first images was this exact figure in a 4-pack. Look. I don’t know what upsets me the most: the price; the laziness; or that it’s a CUTIE.
The AOTW #3 earn their spot for two very specific reasons. The first is their use of the word “RARE.” The second is the $15 opening bid – not BIN, opening bid. Do they expect a bidding war for this dirty Flesh #56 figure? A $15 BIN would be absurd. A $15 opening bid is…it…it leaves me speechless.
Finally, the AOTW #4 with it’s $373.66 opening bid for $0.50 figure. And don’t forget the nearly $34 addition for shipping. If I believed in the fire and brimstone of end-of-days, then I would take this as a sign.
Cast your vote and crown this week’s AOTW Fatal-Four Way winner. Here are the four combatants:
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Remember to cast your vote and crown this week’s AOTW Fatal-Four Way winner:
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Since discovering that our ULTIMATE AOTW Battle of the Champions Fatal-Four Way Winner #1 is still trying to sell his empty box, I like to check in each week.Seven weeks ago it had dropped down to $160. Six weeks ago the price was $149. She sat firm for a period at $145. Last week it dropped to $139 and continues to hold steady.
This is the level-of-asshole it takes to be an ULTIMATE champion. Amazing. She’s one of the greats.
#1 by Walker26 on March 15, 2019 - 8:44 am
I think I upset holygrail_transformers because I’m unable to make any more $1.00 offers. Darn, shucks. lol
#2 by Lucas on March 15, 2019 - 11:25 am
Haha I also have been blocked by h_t!
#3 by Chad Perry on March 15, 2019 - 11:30 am
Be proud of your membership in that illustrious club.
#4 by nerzhin on March 15, 2019 - 5:25 pm
That buy it now 1500 dollar ramenman keshi sold for best offer. I wonder if some buyer thought it was actually rare?