– A story like this feels like a Rorschach test for M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors. I know what I take away, what do you?
– Prepare for Adam to blow your mind.
– I just found this blog. I love it.
– I wish I would have seen these sooner. Is this my first pang of baby nostalgia?
– I’m buying this. Magic tricks have been a great way to calm kids down.
– I enjoy feeling like bands evolve with you.
– Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! came off the bookshelf after a long break – these stories just kill my 4 year old.
– These figures always strike me as totally unloved.
– Buying a set of M.U.S.C.L.E. figures is like going to a hooker for your first time.
– Wow, Satan Cross is already at $50.
– Is 49 huge? I would say it is a large lot.
– I love lots like this. Love them! Even better when the price is great.
– 114 Figures, with a few odds and ends.
– $0.99 for 18 figures.
– Low opening bid for 50 Flesh figures.
– Nice lot of 78 figures.
– 93 Flesh figures.
– The shipping is almost as much as the opening bid. DAMN!
– I don’t love the price, but kind of interesting.
– I hope nobody gets duped by this auction.
– I try not to swear, but what a fucking asshole.
– This lots good – it’s even better for UK bidders (less shipping).
– A $0.01 auction is always worth a look.
– Flesh lot + New York = …
– I’d buy this if I could find a people looking for Red and Blue versions.
– Ideal lot if you collect “rare” figures.
– Nice lot. Stupid price.
– Basic lot, but a GREAT first picture!
– Did you vote? It’s probably the most important decision you will make – ever! This week. Today. Fine, it’s the most important decision you will make in the next 10 seconds.
– The last paragraph gave me new reasons to hate Brett Farve.
– UofM will be closing both the Flint and Detroit campuses.
– I’d question my running backs overall balance.
– Interesting article about climate change and politics.
– Lucky guy.
– It looks the best when it’s full, but it still doesn’t look that cool.
– I just can’t wait to see this.
– Nice pumpkin carving tip.
There are always a lot of good pictures to choose from each week. I chose this picture because when I saw it, I was simply blown away. Adam had posted the bootleg figures in their original condition. When I saw those I thought they were cool. However, when I saw the finished product I was simply stunned. I had these figures when I was a kid. When I saw Adam’s work it was like he had plucked them directly from my childhood imagination.

Picture From: Adam Pratt’s Google+ account
They are also for sale, right now, on eBay.
When I saw this video there was no question it was going to be the best video of the week. It also made me realize that I should post the video of my son reciting the opening crawl to Star Wars from memory. I think he’s about two in the video. The video also reminded me how different my son’s reaction was – pure emotional pain. He teared up and couldn’t even talk about it for weeks without tearing up. It was probably 8 to 10 weeks before he could talk about the idea that Darth Vader could be Luke’s father. He kept asking, “Why would Darth lie?”
#1 by Adam on October 7, 2011 - 11:10 am
Thank you for posting up my pic and links. I really like the way the Galaxy Laser Team came out when they were all finished. Sometimes you just have a good painting day. =)
#2 by Chad Perry on October 7, 2011 - 11:29 am
It’s not just talk, I’m the current high bidder.
I had those figures as a kid. It’s weird how clearly I remember buying them and playing with them. While they were just green and magenta, they looked like your figures in my mind.
It’s pretty trippy for me.
#3 by Adam on October 9, 2011 - 12:38 pm
That is kind of trippy, since they looked this way to me (or close to it) as well.
There is something about color, sometimes it can bring everything into focus. I love mono mini figures, but I think the reason I paint and customize them is that color really brings them to life.
I am going to do my first MUSCLE figs ever this week, pretty pumped.
Thanks for bidding, I hope you win them, it looks like Luke has taken an interest as well.
#4 by Brandon on October 10, 2011 - 11:47 pm
Is there a way to see the original knockoff toys from a different link? That one seems to require me to sign up for Google+…
#5 by Chad Perry on October 11, 2011 - 9:31 am
They were orangish versions of these figures.