I think I need a ying to the Asshole of the Week-yang. What’s the positive opposite of an Asshole? Maybe it could be…the Kitten of the Week? Nobody dislikes kittens.
Except for Luka Magnotta. Feel free to help me out and think of a positive antidote to the Asshole of the Week. You just might become the Kitten of the Week.
Yeah, that doesn’t work.
In the meantime, we’ve got quite a doozy of an asshole this week – ojvolp. He is currently selling a Flesh #153 for $22. Just when you think it can’t get worse, he’s charging $8 for shipping.
If you bother to read his auction description you will only be further enraged:
You are looking at a Super Rare Muscle Men by Bandai Japanese figurine. I recently sold my whole collection but I kept this one since its impossible to find! I’m ready to let it go. My loss your gain!!
Really well taken care of! No Returns.
I need my antidote and I need it now.
I left this auction out of Auction Watch for two reasons: (1) I thought I wanted it; and (2) I wasn’t 100% sure it was actually a Future Strength figure. I no longer need it because the seller sent a great picture, but now I am 100% sure it is a Translucent Green Future Strength figure. Now I think I want it again. Shit.
– Limited edition black Ed Skorm vs. Min-E-Face set.
– I will be buying this, and then harshly judging anyone that seriously asks, “Do you work there or something?”
– 101 mixed M.U.S.C.L.E. figures.
– Every re-sale still makes me proud.
– I imagine a very old drunken woman creating this sad, sad listing.
– Trust me, I don’t need a book to screw up my kids.
– Nice lot of 50 keshi with a $0.99 opening bid.
– $0.30 per figure price (including shipping) plus two cans.
– Hello $0.99 opening bid.
– I am 99.9% sure all those figures were standing up and he bumped the table right before taking the picture.
– Looking for “19 Rares”? Look no more.
– Is everyone catching the “Rare” bug again?
– Nice mixed lot of 93 figures.
– Lot 1 of Prototype Ultimate MUSCLE figures.
– And Lot 2 of Prototype Ultimate MUSCLE figures.
– 56 Flesh figures. Zero blue trays.
– Part of me wants to buy these…so that there are 67 less in the world.
– My problem is I feel happy too often. Painted figures like this help to bring me back down.
– We totally need a Gotham Jail at our house.
I dare you not to laugh at this. You can’t do it. For that simple reason it is this week’s Picture of the Week.

From: Pinterest.com
This week also saw the passing of Ray Bradbury. The University of M.U.S.C.L.E. has a long history of paying respect to notable individuals that have died (ok, twice – Andy Rooney and Kim Jong Il). Ray Bradbury is certainly deserving of that same reverential treatment.
#1 by stoneyface on June 8, 2012 - 5:43 pm
i will never fail to giggle every time i read something where you bash cuties. someday i will complete my evil genius scheme to get someone to send you cuties in the mail as a gift! the evil part will be convincing them that you really love cuties and they are doing you a favor… bonus points for included “nice note”. >:)
unfortunately it does appear that the “rare bug” has escaped CDC containment once again, i am seeing a ton of new auctions with rare in the title again. almost as bad as the outbreak of 2011…
#2 by Chad Perry on June 12, 2012 - 10:17 am
That is the best evil plan I have ever heard.
It gives me chills.