My hat’s off to Luke Harris. Not only do I like these figures I like the three buying options:
– Single figure for $12
– 3-Pack blindbag for $20
– Full set of 8 for $75
Not only is it a practical way to move product, but it allows for many points of entry for collectors. I wouldn’t mind seeing more people adopt this method.
– Do you own the X-2? No? Then buy this set.
– This seller defines “PACKAGED” differently than the rest of the known world.
– My boys would stab someone for this. Please help prevent a stabbing.
– Why is the Pedobear in the picture?
– Pretty big lot with SC.
– Damn that’s a good picture! (And he gave credit.)
– I wish I could save those Frankenstein-like Amalgam figures.
– $20 for an open 10-Pack. Sure makes his $9.99 ones look like a steal.
– And which “RARE” figures would that be?
– This poster is not in $70 condition.
– 123 Figures, but no tool box.
– Need to catch-up for OMFG Series 2? Then do it here!
– That 28-Pack looks like it’s in pretty great shape.(No joke or sarcasm – seriously.)
– That’s a great deal for $18.99! (Lots of sarcasm here.)
– Nice lot, but I like the Green bootleg the best.
– Big lot of different M.U.S.C.L.E. stuff.
– Dirty lot of 83 figures, but its got two Macarenas!
– Not many people take their Satan Cross picture as they fall over. Bravo sir!
– Not a fan, but I know some people love the Remco figures.
– A poster with a HUGE rip got a $25 opening bid? Wow.
– Almost 100 figures with a $5 opening bid – good stuff!
– Just in case you didn’t get the Spongebob joke on the homepage.
I am a sucker for behind-the-scenes. I can’t get enough of it. It’s especially cool when it’s something I’ve never seen before and I think I’ve seen it all. This Stan Winston Raptor suit from Jurassic Park is a perfect example. Not only is it something new about Jurassic Park, it’s a fascinating piece regarding the evolution of the design.
In a picture featuring so much cleavage it’s rare that anything else can be noticed. This picture is the exception to that rule. These three kids’ faces crack me up – even Power Girl’s face makes me laugh. It’s like they all know they’re there because of the boobs, but they’re all trying to pretend its not that. Hilarious.

Tits - Err, Um...Cheese!