I coach my boys’ baseball teams. I love it. I realize exactly how small the window is for kids playing sports. I’m trying to enjoy every single second.
And over the years I’ve had some “bad” kids. I’m painting with a very, very broad brush, but I’m sure you know what I, basically, mean. Most of those kids could be wrangled. They didn’t become “good” kids, but they could learn to behave more like ballplayers.
Dealing with the “bad” parents is the impossible part.
I think these parents believe they can will their child to success. These parents mistakenly think they have learned from the mistakes their parents made – which is why the didn’t play in the majors, or college, or high school.
Baseball is too mental of a game. Of course, you can’t logically argue with someone being completely illogical. (Nobody knows that better than sane M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors.)
I wish they’d take a look at something like this. I’m sure you could argue the numbers, but the takeaway is the same. It is insanely hard to advance up through baseball.
Just enjoy your kids playing sports. It can go away far too quickly.
Ok, let’s take a look at eBay.
– Did the Class A figures already sell or most unlucky Canadian seller ever?
– My best offer would be $3.
– “in good conditions sligths details by the pasage of time.” Hahahahaha…
– “A few are difficult to get to stand up.” Tell us something we don’t know.
– Not the worst lot of 72 figures.
– What’s the story on these figures?
– I only listen to M.U.S.C.L.E. on vinyl. It’s warmer.
– “Total of 4 rare muscle men figures” No.
– Guess the lot starting at $5.99.
– $50 BIN. Guess the lot.
– $29.99 opening bid. Guess the lot.
– Last one. Guess the lot that has a $1.70 opening bid.
– Damn it. I was supposed to do a seller-focused AOTW this week.
Oops, next week I’ll try that. I take solace in knowing there will never be a shortage of contenders.
There were four combatants last week. M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors could only one crown one combatant as the winner. They decided to award AOTW #3 as the winner. Good choice.
I’ve decided we’ll have four new combatants each week. Then, after four weeks, we’ll have the champions face-off. I like this new format.
Do you guys care why the selection committee selected these nominees? I’ll share it this week, but we can drop it. We’ll see. The AOTW #1 was selected for suggesting he has 29 Class B figures. There are 17 Flesh figures, which are obviously not Class B. I didn’t even bother checking on the other ones. Plus, as I said in AW #248, Class B doesn’t drive prices up. Based on the most recent lot of four 28-packs selling (plus some extra figures) the AOTW #2 easily slides into the second position. I think he had the price even higher at one point. Don’t overlook the $20 for shipping either!
The AOTW #3 was previously featured in AW #165, but she deserves a shot in the new tournament format. The empty can only got one vote last week, but the AOTW #4 has raised the stakes with a even higher price and three very dirty figures.
Cast your vote and crown this week’s AOTW. Remember, you are placing your vote for the biggest asshole.
Here are the four combatants:
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Speaking of the unbelievable, welcome back to your weekly installment of “Damn the torpedoes!”

From: Polystudio.ca
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After 988 days and over 226 days both racers are still sitting tight – no change since last week. (UPDATE: The second racer is currently unlisted. I’m confident it will return.)
Apparently M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors have not enjoyed this website for one second, nor do they hate my pompous guts, nor have they ever spent a dollar on M.U.S.C.L.E. figures. Let me try again.
If you are reading this, then please donate anything. Please help a family that could use some help.
I guess I shouldn’t actually be surprised. M.U.S.C.L.E. collectors don’t have a strong history of being charitable.
#1 by Terry on April 27, 2018 - 6:05 am
That Canadian seller had 4 Class A figures at $5.99 approx each and all lasted only minutes
The figures were 85R, 114DB, 92DB and 35LB which was damaged
#2 by plasticfiend on April 27, 2018 - 10:20 am
SOrry – I forgot to contribute. Done!
#3 by Chad Perry on April 27, 2018 - 10:28 am
Thank you very, very much.