Stir Up Saturday #144 or #145

Yosaku Kinnikuman Keshi FigureThe MMMM #49 focused on one single keshi figure. I think this is the first time Professor Terry wrote a MMMM about a single figure.

I had never heard of Yosaku. I wish there was a non-SD version too. Customizers, are you listening?

Nine MUSCLEMANIA figures were added to the virtual archive five years ago. There is nothing else to say. However, I was thinking about MUSCLEMANIA the other day.

Displaying my Master Set is almost impossible, but maybe I could display my MUSCLEMANIA figures in a big shadowbox? The softer figures would never stand-up so framing them would be perfect. My life doesn’t allow for much of my “own time.” I don’t mind it at all. But I’m hoping I can spread the figures out and figure out what I need this weekend.

Color MUSCLE Figures LotWhile I’m at Michael’s I’ll buy some Glitter Hippo too. (Nice job Wolf!)

AW #163 really focused on one dopey seller.

Five years later, I’m certainly more interested in the window-box belt. It sold for $39.50. I bet a box, in that condition, would sell for double that price today. Off the top of my head, I can’t remember the last one I saw. And I’m certainly not looking. This is SUS; I’m mailing it in.

Not totally, I just don’t want to look.

The Epilogue was the last post, this week, five years ago. I haven’t stomped out all 200 bad habits, but I’ve gotten away from taking the darkest path to feeling better.

One bad habit that will never go away is my schadenfreude obsession. I never had a word for it until I learned schadenfreude.

This is one of the greatest examples of it. I smile each time I see it. And I’m talking about each loop. My brain adds little things each time creating a richer and richer narrative.

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