Stir Up Saturday – Fair Enough

I’m mad at myself and Professor Terry. We managed to get stuff posted five years ago, but I don’t have much to say about it today.

Looking back, MMMM #3 can be very easily summed up: Professor Terry likes the character and wishes more were made. Fair enough.

I feel like I have reference AW #132 many times. I don’t care enough to check, but I know I’ve used numbers from it. I was most surprised when I checked on the final price of the MUSCLEMANIA lot. It ended up selling for $29.99. Fair enough.

Finally the Epilogue. All that stuff still feels true. Fair enough.

This wasn’t the most passion inducing SUS, but it’s better than nothing. I hope. Creating daily content about M.U.S.C.L.E. can have some heavy lifting days. This was one of them.

Monday Morning M.U.S.C.L.E. Musings #3

Auction Watch #132

Epilogue – Week of May 5th

  1. #1 by Terry on May 12, 2018 - 6:15 am

    Professor Terry still wishes more of that figure was made lol
    I’ve had to resort to getting customs done

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