Stir Up Saturday – The M.U.S.C.L.E. Rule of Two

Rarely do I feel 100% confident about anything I do with this website. There’s always something that could be tweaked, improved, changed, or just done differently. One of the rare things that I’m 100% confident about is quitting holiday posts. Every time I see one of these come up in a SUS a cringe. Killing those posts was a good decision.

It was nice seeing the Tommy Tanker picture in the old Epilogue. I still love that figure. Since the video doesn’t play anymore I was curious what it had been about. Turns out it was this. I was curious if there was ever anything else about him, so I Googled him. Turns out he died two years later. Damn. Not the kind of information I was hoping to find; pretty sad and a major buzzkill.

Let’s try to salvage this SUS by patting myself on the back. I like the MRT. I think it is one of the better posts I have ever put together for the site. Maybe it is simply one of my favorites. Looking back, there’s only one thing I wish I would have added. I wish I would have mentioned how this “rule” makes M.U.S.C.L.E. auctions so susceptible to shill bidding.

Editorial: The M.U.S.C.L.E. Rule of Two (MRT)

Epilogue – Week of Sept. 2nd

Happy Labor Day!

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